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Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U
Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U
The pictures are of real products of the specific model and are only for illustrative purposes.

Dell PowerEdge R730 Rack Mount 2U

1215 00BGN
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Code: 80118061
Brand: Dell
Model: PowerEdge R730
Grade: Grade A
HDD Support: 8x 2.5"
CPU: 2x Intel Xeon 8-Core E5
CPU frequency: 2667 v4 3200MHz 25MB
Memory size: 128GB
Memory type: RDIMM DDR4
HDD capacity: No storage
HDD type: SAS 2.5"
RAID Controller: PERC H330 Mini Mono
Network card type: 2-port 10Gb SFP+, 2-port 1Gb Ethernet FlexibleLOM
PSU: 2x 750W Platinum
Case type: Rack Mount 2U
Warranty: 12 months
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3981 00BGN
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